This week has been awesome so far! Monday, Gina and I started our programming at the head office. Same administrative stuff as usual! Then, Michelle and I had our class at the Faraja Street Side school. It was really a hit this time! We were teaching the kids about the body, and specifically the skeleton. We did a cool competion of who could build the strongest popsicle/tape structure that would hold the most amount of weight. this was to represent why you need your skeleton and that it has to be strong enough to carry yourself and protect the organs within it.
Girls club was after, which went ok. They were really hungry and tired, so we shorted it to 30 min. We taught them the cha cha slide which they really seemed to enjoy.
Tuesday was AWESOME. first Gina and I had literacy for business. It was a but harder this week because we had a wider range of knowledge amongst the students. We taught them how to do greetings in english, and also directions. We also taught them some of the more “slang” greetings which they seemed to like! Tuesday evening, Chelsey and I had our first netball practise with the girls.. it was AMAAAAZING!! it will take me a whole blog to write, and i only have 5 min left. so i promise i will write about it next time, but man was it an experience! My favourite yet i would have to say.
Today was quite a bit easier, but really busy. I left home at 7:30 this morning, but wont be home until about 7pm tonight! We had head office for the morning. After that, we had to find an internet cafe that would rent us all the computer for 2 hours tomorrow cause we are taking our literacy class there. that was really easy though. Next, we went to find a fundi (tailor) to make a shirt out of the fabric we bought. i am SO excited about that!!!!! There was a huge communication barrier, but a nice man walking by helped us out. we will get them friday, and i cant wait! Then we stopped for a bite to eat, and right when we wanted to leave, it started POURINGGG!!! so right now i am pretty soaked, and we have to leave now because we are joining the other girls at drama club… the rain is really nice though with the cool air!! ahhhhh 30 sec left, i gotta go byyyyyyye!